Monday, September 24, 2012

What's new?!

Today was the beginning of a new job, a new family, new kids, a new house. I was not the only one starting out new though. The kids are at a new school, just moved into a new house and I am a new nanny. So there is lots of adjusting for all! :) It was a fun day though, just getting to know the kids-their different personalities and who they are. The youngest, and who I will be spending the most time with seemed to warm up quickly. His mom said he was showing off for me jumping in circles on the trampoline and trying to play keep away. When he did get shy, it was nothing some bubbles and coloring pages couldn't cure! So here I go, jumping feet first into a new adventure, but not gonna complain about the way that God works because He always works things out for the better and shows me what is best!