Thursday, August 11, 2011

"buh bye, see you!"

Today marks the end of another fantastic summer! We spent the summer reminiscing on all of the things that we had done together this summer and all of the fun that we had! The girls wanted to make something to remember the summer by, so we decided to make a poster and draw, paint, and write all of the things that we did this summer. I asked the girls if they even could remember it all and they said if they put their heads together they could come up with a list and I think we got it all! I am going to miss my morning cuddle time with Greta, dancing and singing with Ava, watching Cake Boss with Soso and laughing at all of the crazy things that Sashy does and says, but thing good thing is, "I am not going to San Diego." I kept having to remind the girls of this everytime they would be sad that it was the last day and school was starting. (Too which one time Greta replied, "no, but you're leaving the country" ;) )

This summer was full of experiences, lessons and memories that I would not trade for the world and have helped me become and prepare to be a better person. Its amazing what you can learn from four small little girls and how they can make such a huge impact on your life.

That's a wrap for this summer sitter. Time for a nap!

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