Tuesday, June 28, 2011


As I went to babysit today one of the things that popped into my head was "I get to blog today!" Its been way to long and frankly, I miss it. I am thinking that I may need to broaden my blogging topics, but really, getting up watching tv and Facebook don't make for very exciting blogs! So lets get to the good stuff!

Today was my first day back with the kids and it was super easy because I only had one!! I have decided that that 18 month age is probably one of my favorite because they are talking, laughing, telling you what they want (for the most part) and just plain entertaining. I have never seen a child so enthralled with a pencil box, or disturbed by the fact that stickers are sticky and stick to your fingers. Or the excitement that came when a cookie was given to her while she watched tv. Or maybe it was when I heard her singing "Jesus Loves Me" as she was cuddled up in her blanket and then broke out into Happy Birthday Ava. I do not know that I could have asked for a better first day back! My overall observation of the day however....Kids are cute! Plain and simple! I think I will keep this one around!

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