Monday, August 9, 2010

Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice!

Well...they were definitely made of sugar last Thursday all thanks to me. We made cinnamon rolls in the morning and vanishing rolls for after lunch. So basically our diets consisted of: butter, bread, sugar, cinnamon and marshmallows! They were both yummy treats!

Today we played with water balloons for a bit. The girls made up a few games to play with them and we all ended up having to change our clothes by the time we were done. I think I have filled up close to 50 water balloons in the last 24 hours. Needless to say my left pointer finger is a little sore from tying all of them. After water balloons, the girls decided they wanted their nails painted. This is was the result of them choosing their own color(s):

It's sad to think that this is the last week with my girlies before summer is over. Half of them will start back to school on Thursday and then I am back a week from Tuesday. Regardless of how many days are left, I guarantee that they are all going to be fun days full of fun stuff. I am excited for tomorrow most of all! Can't reveal what we are doing cause the girls have discovered my blog and will read it and then there will be no surprise for them, but since it is the last week everyday is going to be fun! :)
Gotta make the most of the few, SILLY, SLIMY, SUNNY DAYS OF SUMMER that we have left!

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