Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mamma Mia

Yesterday was oh so much fun. We made our own homemade pizzas for lunch! The girls absolutely loved making everything from scratch and getting to knead their own dough and put their own toppings on their pizzas and then eat their creations in the end. It was very fun! They all took turns adding the flour and mixing the dough and everything else that making a pizza from scratch entails. It was messy and slimy and nasty, but it was fun! And the pizza...DELICIOUS! I'm considering making it again tomorrow...we'll see.


Today was my last day with all of the girls. We just hung out, watched tv, made slime, and did what we do silly! It was so weird and sad that it was it for the summer, the big girls go back to school in the morning. But I get to spend tomorrow with the little ones.

There's a cute story behind this one... :)

She was staring at herself in the mirror laughing at herself...I got a laugh out of it!

These two were just sitting so quietly watching tv oblivious to what I was I put whipped cream on their noses...they weren't really sure what to do!

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