Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ahh the joys.

Monday and Wednesdays are easy work days because I only watch the baby. My day consists of sitting on the couch catching up on the latest TV shows while simultaneously listening for baby to wake up to be fed, changed or to play. Today went just like any other she woke up, was changed, we went for a walk and then I put her in her bouncer chair and gave her a bottle. Eating is always a messy task as I am convinced more of the bottle contents end up on her clothes than in her belly, but she smiles when she is done so that is what matters right? Well when she was done I went to pick her up and as I was holding her could feel that her clothes were went and so was my arm. I just figured it was from her bottle and didn't think much of it. As I layed her down on the changing table I began to realize, nope that was not from the bottle and no that was not milk on my arm...needless to say I had to wipe off my arm and shirt before changing her and then went on a search for a shirt to borrow for the rest of the day. Luckily my gag reflexes are not high and I was able to laugh through the entire process, she laughed too. So we both went through a wardrobe change today, regardless of a couple of messes i'd say it was a typical day.

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