Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer has begun

This marks the beginning of week four of Summer 2010. I am already busy thinking up projects and ideas to fill my days with the kids in my care every day. Let's hope that I can keep the ideas fresh, in addition to remembering activities from previous summers, and keep the kids happy! Throughout the summer I hope to keep up with this and post pictures, recipes, ideas, and stories. Who knows, maybe they will be useful someday!

Today we made Kool Aid Playdoh...it started out as a sticky mess, but in the end turned into a "glob" of fun. Traces of fruit punch can still be smelled on my hands.

This was the final product. For some reason the cookie cutters were being buried in it and it was there new home. I guess you just never know what is going on in the mind of a 3 year old.

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