Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Special Skills

I have decided that the next time I fill out a resume, that I have a great new addition to include in the special skills section. Lately I have found myself making grilled cheese, waffles, pouring juice, texting a question to the kids mom, making a bottle, tying a shoe, fastening a helmet or playing Wii, all while holding a 20 pound 6 month old in one arm and using the other to complete the task at hand. As easy as this sounds (HA) in reality, its pretty ridiculous. Needless to say my next resume will include, "Able to do a variety of tasks with one hand."

In other news, I am currently defeating Dora the Explorer with a score of 2:0. I now know what channel DOES NOT have Dora on in the morning and it has become my new favorite! Our current favorite Dora replacement is Chuggington on Playhouse Disney, I can just about sing the theme song so that just goes to show how often we watch it (as if the all day marathon today was not enough).

Well time for me to rest up for the final day of work before a week off...WOOHOO!! Haven't decided what the day will hold, but hopefully they sleep past 7:45.

Quote of the day: While playing Wii with all 3 of the girls (age 3, First grade and fifth grade)
The 3 year old told us all that "We better watch out cause [she] just might beat us."
-I won! :)

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