Thursday, July 8, 2010


Today was one of those silly, slimy, but not so sunny days. Our mission was simple: make a big mess and have fun...but have it all cleaned up and look just fun by the time mom gets home. So what did we do??? We painted with pudding. We started doing this one day last summer and the girls LOVED I brought it back this summer and boy did we have a blast! :) I'm pretty sure more of it ended up on them or in their mouths than on the paper and I still feel as if I am in a sugar-coma...but it is a very fun project.

We have also had a 2-day project going that we started yesterday which was tie dying. The girls each got to tie dye their own shirt yesterday and then today we unwrapped the rubberbands, washed them and now they are ready to wear! It was fun for each of them and now they have new shirts that are very cute.

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