Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"All Girls are Princesses"

I use this quote often with the girls when they start talking about princesses and how they wish they could be one. Today was dubbed "Princess Day" and all activities were girly and princessy!
I always make sure the girls are dressed and ready for the day before we start with anything because I know if we don't, they will get so into what we are doing that we will totally forget about it and mom will come home to a whole house of pajama girls. Today was no different and I sent 3 excited girls upstairs. Shortly after they all came down wearing cute colored dresses and had already determined who would be what color when playing Pretty Pretty Princess so that their game piece jewelery would match their outfit. Love it! :) We played a round of the game and then they wanted to make paper crowns, which we made out of tissue paper, foil and decorated with plastic jewels. They seemed to love it and they turned out very cute! But as with all children they can't all be cute at the same time! Girly number 4 was busy flinging apple sauce all over the kitchen and wiping it all over her face and her hair! AH GEEZ what joy to clean up! Nonetheless the day was fun, the girls enjoyed it and tomorrow we will watch Tangled. Ah the life of a summer sitter!

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