Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh Play-doh

I swear I have never seen more play doh out and everywhere ever in my life. These girls can't just have 1 color out, they've each gotta have 3, but of course the colors can't mix cause that would be horrible!!! But at least it keeps them occupied. They molded and carved and shaped for 2 hours I think before they decided they were done and cleaned up...mostly. The thing with play-doh is that it gets EVERYWHERE and of course it is not in easy to pick up pieces, or even still soft enough to add back to the rest of it. The smaller the pieces, the quicker it dries and then you have flecks of colored play doh everywhere! So when the girls disappeared I continued to find little pieces of dried up play doh-on the floor, on the table on my clothes and in my hair. Don't want to know where else it may have ended up, but hopefully I got it cleaned! :) Mostly the afternoon was filled with the girls playing on their own, a picnic lunch outside and the anticipation for what tomorrow may bring! ;)

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