Monday, July 11, 2011

Today was totally awesome!!!

Or so Sasha told her mom when she got home from work!
I love the relationship that I have with these girls and the way that they manage to make me smile even when I am worn out or not feeling my best. They bring such joy to my life and I love the time that I get to spend with them.
Today we made goo, the simplest activity, but yet still the girls favorite. They love to pick what color they are going to make and mix colors and see what they can create. We ended up with a really pretty sunset orange color and a green that was so gross it could only be compared to mold. Needless to say blue, green, and yellow food coloring should not be mixed together! :)
3 simple ingredients: equal parts liquid starch and Elmer's school glue, mixed with food coloring and you get goo. It can get a little sticky and messy, but nothing a few baby wipes of a running faucet can't fix!

We played games-I found out that Twister...not so fun anymore for me, but i was thoroughly entertained watching little Greta trying to have left foot red and right foot green. She kept commenting how she was doing the splits, and with her little legs, that's just what she was doing!

We played Wii, played with the bubbles left over from last week and jumped on pogo sticks! It is amazing how quickly hours can go by when I am playing with these kiddos. Everyday is a new adventure, a new "theme" a new activity. The girls are looking forward to princess day tomorrow. Should be fun! :)

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