Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Final score...Girls: 5 Boys: 2

For a grand total of: 7 and oh boy was it a long day. Sure I didn't have all 7 at the same time...they were split between 2 jobs 4 and the first and 3 at the second, but it didn't hit me that I watched so many kids until I was enjoying some peace and quiet! I guess that explains why I feel so exhausted and why I didn't run quite as fast at the gym or had thoughts of not finishing my work out...but I did. It was a pretty good day. The day with the girls was much easier than yesterday and I even got an hour of silence in the house around noon. I joked with them that they were all going to have to take naps, but sure enough at noon they all headed upstairs and did their own things making the house oddly quiet, but oh so nice! I wish I had realized they would entertain themselves that long cause I might have lied down on the couch myself! My second job was also easy, spent watching Pink Panther 2, playing Legos and eating a snack, not too shabby! I must admit I missed a whole lot of the movie because the kids kept calling my name and wanting to tell me something or show me something, but I don't mind...the pieces I got of the movie still made the whole thing make sense so I think it could have been about an hour shorter! :) Tomorrow is day 2 with the seven again so I think I am going to turn in a bit earlier today so I can survive yet another silly, summer day!

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